• This appeals-handling process shall provide for an independent and impartial appeal process. Any client can submit an appeal against the decisions taken by KUANTUM, Following is the appeals-handling process :
      • Receive of appeal

KUANTUM received an appeal through Email or written letter in the Appeal & Customer Complaint Form, not later than 30 days after intimation of the decision of Certification ,

  • Director will issue a Letter of assignment for the appeals team and ensure that person assigned is the different persons with performing audit and decision making.

  1. Appeals team receive from admin all document related with certification activities, Application form, audit report, corrective action request form, certificate documents, appeal documents, additional facts presented if any, and the previous result of similar appeal (if any)
  2. The appeals team also responsible for performing evaluation, investigation, and submission of the report indicating the necessary action/or actions to be taken in response to it.
  3. The Appeals Team will act as assessor and conduct a review of all documents related to certification activities
  4. The appeal team will take decisions on the cases in which the client has submitted an appeal. The appeals team have the following powers:
  • To deny or grant certification
  • To impose, modify and withdraw sanctions and conditions
  • To order for re-audit
  1. Appeal findings including the reasons for the decision taken will be informed to the appellant in writing.
  2. The final decision on appeals will be taken by the appeal team and acknowledge by Director.
  3. The appeal Decision letter will be signed by the President Director and submitted to the appellant by admin
  4. The time of process appeal from receive until final decision not later than 30 days.
  1. If the result of the appeal-handling process is not satisfying the appellant, the appellant shall be writing the official letter to KUANTUM about it.
  2. KUANTUM will invite the appellant for further discussion for the solution
  • The decision to be communicated to the appellant will be made by, or reviewed and approved by, individual(s) not previously involved in the subject of the appeal
  • KUANTUM will give formal notice to the appellant of the end of the appeals-handling process
  • All process of appeal handling must include at least the following elements and methods:
  1. an outline of the process for receiving, validating and investigating the appeal, and for deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it, taking into account the results of previous similar appeals;
  2. tracking and recording appeals, including actions undertaken to resolve them;
  3. ensuring that any appropriate correction and corrective action are taken.
    • KUANTUM be responsible for all decisions at all levels of the complaints handling process
    • Submission, investigation and decision on complaints will not result in any discriminatory actions against the complainant
    • Upon receipt of a complaint, KUANTUM confirm whether the complaint relates to certification activities that it is responsible for and, if so, will deal with it. If the complaint relates to a certified client, then examination of the complaint considers the effectiveness of the certified management system.
    • Any valid complaint about a certified client will also be referred by KUANTUM to the certified client in question at an appropriate time
    • KUANTUM has a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on complaints. This process will be subject to requirements for confidentiality, as it relates to the complainant and to the subject of the complaint.
    • The complaints-handling process include at least the following elements and methods:
  1. an outline of the process for receiving, validating, investigating the complaint, and for deciding what actions are to be taken in response to it;
  2. tracking and recording complaints, including actions undertaken in response to them;
  3. ensuring that any appropriate correction and corrective action are taken.
  • KUANTUM receiving the complaint will be responsible for gathering and verifying all necessary information to validate the complaint.
  • Whenever possible, KUANTUM acknowledge receipt of the complaint, and provide the complainant with progress reports and the outcome
  • The decision to be communicated to the complainant be made by, or reviewed and approved by, individual(s) not previously involved in the subject of the complaint.
  • Whenever possible, KUANTUM will give formal notice of the end of the complaints-handling process to the complainant.
  • KUANTUM determine, together with the client and the complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution will be made public